12 November 2008


Today as I was walking up to the temple, I was contemplating my life and the sacrifice I would offer to the Lord this week. I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed with the demands on my time at present, and I noticed especially that I have not been as faithful, hopeful, or charitable as I would like to be. I lamented this fact to the Lord, then added, "But I'm really trying hard. I so want to be good. I'm doing my best...is it enough?"

His reply (I picture him saying it with something of a sympathetic smile)? "No, child, it's not enough."

Oh, well, that's not the comforting and reassuring answer I was hoping for, but the truth hit me like a ton of bricks. He's right (duh!). It's not enough, and it will never be enough. My best just doesn't cut it. Surprisingly, this didn't fill me with despair, but rather faith, repentance, and therefore hope.

I'm not enough, but He is. So trust Jesus.


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