13 April 2008


From Elder Holland:
"Of the many privileges we have had in this historic conference, including participation in a solemn assembly in which we were able to stand and sustain [President Thomas S. Monson] as prophet, seer, and revelator, I cannot help but feel that the most important privilege we have all had has been to witness personally the settling of the sacred, prophetic mantle upon your shoulders, almost as it were by the very hands of angels themselves. Those in attendance at last night's general priesthood meeting and all who were present in the worldwide broadcast of this morning's session have been eyewitness to this event. For all the participants, I express our gratitude for such a moment. I say that with love to President Monson and especially love to our Father in Heaven for the wonderful opportunity it has been to be 'eyewitnesses of his majesty' (2 Peter 1:16), as the Apostle Peter once said" (Report of the 178th Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).

From me:
I truly saw and felt and experienced the mantle of God's prophet fall upon the shoulders of President Thomas Spencer Monson. Though a man, he has been called, chosen, and now qualified. He is among those who are "just men made perfect through Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant" (D&C 76:69). I so testify.

I have made a habit of approaching the General Conference with a question, a thought, a prayer. This year was no different, however I felt that I did not have a specific purpose to my seeking. Many spoke, and all edified. My Father chose to speak directly to me through the mouth of His annointed steward. As President Monson stood to address us all, I felt that the Lord had truly called him to be mouthpiece of the Eternal Father's will. As he spoke, I heard, in my mind and in my heart, the gentle guidance of the Lord's Spirit leading me to change, to repent. And the answer came with increasing clarity what my God would have me do throughout the next six months.

"And now, whoso readeth, let him understand; he that hath the scriptures, let him search them, and see and behold if ... all these things are not unto the fulfilling of the prophecies of many of the holy prophets" (3 Nephi 10:14). I witness that the are.

President Monson is such a prophet. I know it; I sustain him. I love the Lord and thank Him for such a marvelous Gift.


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