21 April 2006

Images Worshipped

The images men worship are not just of stone and clay;
They make idols of their own success and walk their way
Day by day they wander with hearts set on the world;
Their pride and greed replace the need to trust the Lord

But we could have faith, we would be strong
If He was the power we relied upon
He's the only one with power to save,
So we pledge today that we will walk His way
Beginning now, we vow to walk His way.

He is the path we follow, He's the only one we serve;
We find happiness in His success and trust His word.
He is our loving Father, with strength and power to save,
With all our soul we choose this day to walk His way.

And as we have faith we will be strong,
For He is the power we rely upon
He's the only one with power to save,
So we pledge today that we will walk His way
Beginning now we vow to walk His way.
(Walk His Way by S. Jones)

Victoria Anderson said it a different way in the March 2006 Ensign with an article entitled, "Filling the Void." The basic premise of her discussion was that we all have a void in our lives which our relationship with our Father in Heaven filled in the pre-mortal realms. Here on earth, however, we often draw away from Him and then attempt to fill the void we feel with worldly ideas or habits. I ask myself, then, how do I fill my void, or, what idols do I worship?

-my intelligence
-my ignorance (it seems silly, but somehow I hold fast to my lack of knowledge about certain areas when I should really just ask and not be afraid to get an answer; God giveth liberally to those who seek in humility)
-my "comfort zone"

And others, of course, but that is a daunting enough list as it is. I think I've learned over the last few years, however that one can't simply root out weaknesses. I can't just will myself to make the "idols" go away or to stop worshipping them. I have the first cram the void so full of good things that when I pull out some of the false worship, I have something in that spot so the emptiness doesn't get filled with more idol worship. That means the Sunday School pat answers. Yep, pray and read your scriptures. I keep trying to regain that close relationship with my Heavenly Father; without it, the pride and fear just seem to consume me. I'm still far from perfect, but I'm trying to live so that I can say, HE is the one I worship, He's the ONLY one I serve.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was fabulous. I too have contemplated modern idolatry much, and have come to realize that perhaps for me, my education is becoming an idol. I am putting it ahead of more important things. Thanks for helping me to "fill the void."

6:28 PM  

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