20 October 2005


"Of all the creations of the Almighty, there is none more beautiful, none more inspiring, than a lovely daughter of God, who walks in virtue with an understanding of why she should do so, who honors and respects her body as a thing sacred and divine, who cultivates her mind and constantly enlarges the horizon of her understanding, who nurtures her spirit with everlasting truth." -President Gordon B Hinckley

I love being a woman. I really do. Yes, we have our "moments" and there are certainly plenty of quirks in our hard drive, but despite the hormones and the girlish silliness, I love being a woman. Someday I hope to be a real lady. I know a few women that I would consider examples of the type of behavior and elegance that I hope to achieve. Each simply exudes grace and loveliness. She is confident in her abilities, but accepting of another's offerings; she carries herself with dignity and respect, never walking too quickly or speaking too loudly; she has a sense of humor within reason, but never laughs unseemly; she smiles quickly and often; she loves God, and somehow you can just tell; she accepts correction with gratitude, and gives it with love and patience; she prays; she is a disciplined scholar of things both secular and spiritual; she knows what covenants she has made and lives them to the fullest of her ability; she loves people, and they love her; she serves unendingly; she is kind; she knows that Jesus is the very Son of God, and testifies boldly of this knowledge; she awakens each morning with a song in her heart and prayer to God; with this prayer, she puts her hand in His hand and together, He and she make the world a place of beauty.

"In the
process of educating your minds, stir within yourselves a greater sensitivity to the beautiful, the artistic, and the cultivation of the talent you possess, be it large or small." -President Gordon B Hinckley (Read the whole talk here , I heartily suggest it.)


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