17 June 2008

Onward, EVER Onward

This Sunday I was in my parents' ward for church. We talked about missionary work in Relief Society, which was a bit of a different experience for me because about half the sisters in my student ward are returned missionaries (recently of course) and only a small handful of sisters in my mom's Relief Society are returned missionaries, and several of those are returned from serving as seniors (which I love, by the way). They might have gotten a little more than they bargained for with me there.

I love missionary work! I can think of several reasons for this, principally revolving around the fact the I spent more than a year of my recent past engaged full-time in spreading the glorious news of the Restoration of the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I felt when I returned that I had been somehow "cheated" out of the best months of my life, but I see now that Heavenly Father never let me feel fully released. Perhaps had I stayed in the field for three more months I would have walked away and felt that my mission was over. As it stands, I feel that I am perpetually on a mission, and I cannot be still.

During the first four months of my return to Provo and "civilian life," I had four major missionary opportunities. In PROVO, UTAH no less! And the opportunities to bear testimony and preach the Gospel keep coming. Heavenly Father knows how I love it, and I thank Him every day for the blessing of opening my mouth. In Preach My Gospel, the First Presidency stated, "There is no more compelling work than this, nor any which brings greater satisfaction ... More happiness awaits you than you have ever experienced as you labor among His children."

I bear testimony that is true.

Joseph Smith said, " What if all the world should embrace this Gospel? They would then see eye to eye, and the blessings of God would be poured out upon the people, which is the desire of my whole soul.” It caused me to think of D&C 109:59 where the Prophet prayed at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple that the gathering of the Lord's people would roll forth that His work may be "cut short in righteousness." I love that! How many of us have wished that the Millenium would just come so everyone would get along. Well, we've got to get on it! The world must be prepared to be presented to the Savior when He comes. Hurray!

So I must press onward, ever onward. There is no end to anyone's mission. Certainly for my testimony I am grateful, and the opportunity to open my mouth is an incomparable blessing. Thanks and glory be to my Father in Heaven!


Blogger The Paradox said...

And you haven't lost your missionary magic just yet...

8:46 AM  
Blogger Chicken Dust said...

What is that supposed to mean?

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little humility might go a long way.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Chicken Dust said...


I apologize for the offense I have given in this post and any others. I recognize that in my enthusiasm I can become over-zealous, which is something I need to temper. Every day is a learning experience, and I appreciate your reminding me that I ought to watch more closely my thoughts and words. Without my Father in Heaven and my Savior, Jesus Christ, I truly am nothing. With them, however, we can all receive the greatest blessing of all, Eternal Life. I thank my Father for granting me the gift of Repentance, and my Savior for making it possible. Please continue to read my feelings; I hope to be able to share the innermost feelings of my soul in a way that is uplifting to everyone.

6:00 PM  

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