26 October 2005

Nearer My God To Thee

Apparently I've been contemplating callings lately, because here's another post on that topic. I was wondering about why I get certain callings, and how it seems to be that I am never very qualified to do what I am asked. I mean, surely there are TONS of people who could do a much better job at these things. You'd think the Lord would not want to have to do all the work Himself, you know, and if HE would just pick someone who wasn't so stressed about it, He could relax a bit. I mean, with me, I make things doubly hard for Him because not only does He have to help me out in every way to accomplish the task, but then He has to patiently listen to me whine and stress about how difficult it is and how tired I am and yada yada. So I came to the conclusion that obviously, the Lord doesn't extend callings to me to help Him accomplish anything. His thought process might be a little more like this:

'So, Chicken Dust, we're a bit distant these days. Tell you what, how about I call you to serve in your ward. Let's say as visiting teaching coordinator. Now, you can't do this job. I know; that's why I'm giving it to you. See, you will stress and try to do your best (mostly just being counterproductive) and then I'll just have to clean up the mess that you made and do the job the way it should have been done in the first place. But that's okay, because I am perfect enough (that's an odd phrase?) that I can make things work the way they should through you. Pretty tricky. I can even cause that other people's lives will be blessed by you - as an instrument in My hands. Plus, in the process, you will learn a thing or two and your heart will become slightly more like mine. Basically, though, I'm giving this to you because I know that it will cause you to spend a lot of time on your knees trying to do it right. You'll become more humble. And I'll get to spend more time with you.'

I like that last line. It's not really doctrine, but I think it's really true. As much as we long to be like God to live with Him forever, I think He misses us even more. We are His children after all. Of course there is no selfish motives in anything He does, but I wonder if maybe we are commanded to pray not only for our benefit, but almost as much for Him. He likes to spend time with us.


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