15 December 2005

No Doubt

Nearly 600 years before the Son of God was even born on this earth, Father Lehi declared, "But behold, the Lord hath redeemed my soul from hell..." (2 Nephi 1:15). Long before the Savior voiced the triumphal phrase "It is finished" this prophet was speaking of the greatest event of all time in the past tense. This verse had never struck me as it did just a few days ago when I realized this. (It's really true that you learn something new every time you read The Book of Mormon!)

This is an example to me of such faith and trust! Lehi didn't just prophecy about the coming of Christ and the fact that he would atone for the sins of all mankind; no, he rejoiced as if it had already happened. I have often tried to fathom what it would be like to live in the days before Jesus' birth, but I can only think in terms of my life. I can't imagine being told that some day, a man would come who would redeem you from the effects of sin and mortality. It would take a lot of faith to follow through with something like that (I think).

But Lehi obviously did more than just "believe in" Christ. He knew and believed Him. Lehi had such abiding faith in Jehovah that when the Lord said that He would come to redeem all men, Lehi took it to heart. He knew that Jesus would see it through, fulfilling the infinite atonement that would reach not only foward to all men, but also back. So when Lehi spoke of His personal salvation, he could use past tense.
There are a lot of very appealing doctrines in the LDS church, and people are often attracted to the gospel because of these truths. But this is the only truth that really matters. God lives; Jesus is the Christ, and He has redeemed all mankind from sin and death. I know this to be true; I have no doubt. All things may pass away, but as surely as I know I live, I know that statement is true. I am working to strengthen my faith so that I may trust so fully as did Lehi.


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