12 July 2008

Random Act of Kindness

Today I went to the temple. Provo is closed for two weeks for regular maintenance/cleaning, so I went instead to the Timpanogos Temple in American Fork. The bus service is limited on Saturday, so I ended up walking about a mile and a half up hill to the temple. About 1/4 of the way there, a car passed me, then flipped around and stopped. The girl inside rolled down her window and asked, "Are you going to the temple? Do you want a ride?" I was so surprised and pleased! What a sweet girl she was; we had a fun chat as we rode up to the temple. She mentioned that she had thought about stopping but ignored the feeling. After driving past me, however, she felt again that she ought to just offer me a ride, so she did.

Did I actually need the ride? Not really; I walk all over the place, and I generally prefer walking to riding in a car. Still, Heavenly Father knew that today an offer of a ride and a short conversation with a nice person was just what He needed to get a message to me. "Come to the temple," He said. "Come and be near Me. You are welcome here." It was exactly what I needed to hear and feel. In His house I was filled with awe and exquisite peace. Words cannot describe the feelings of this day, but I will ever remember the sweetness of my Father's love. I felt it so powerfully in His temple.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

9:41 AM  

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