A scripture about the kind of woman I intend to be:
"And our glorious Mother Eve, with many of her faithful daughters who had lived through the ages and worshipped the true and living God" (D&C 138:39).
I consider myself to be a simple girl. I like quilting, knitting, gardening, cooking, and homemade bread. I have a passion for teaching and also for music; I play the piano and flute. I'm neither smart nor eloquent, but I've know a few wise people and try to draw magnificance from all that is good in life.
A scripture about the kind of woman I intend to be:
"He will help us when we help ourselves according to how He has already helped us."
"O ye, my people, lift up your heads and be comforted; for behold, the time is at hand, or is not far distant, when we shall no longer be in subjection to our enemies, notwithstanding our many strugglings, which have been in vain; yet I trust there remaineth an effectual struggle to be made. Therefore, lift up your heads, and rejoice, and put your trust in God..And now, is not this grievous to be borne? And is not this, our affliction, great? Now behold, how great reason we have to mourn...But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage" (Mosiah 7:18-19, 23, 33).
Heavenly Father is the Master of communication. The other night I was all in a dither...I just felt so incongruent. There were things in my life that I didn't understand and that made me nervous. I had talked with my roommate Tammy, and that helped a little. Then I sat and played the piano for a while. The strains of "I Need Thee Every Hour" calmed my nerves slightly; mostly they just expressed the truth about my situation. Truly, I needed my Father.
Today I went to the temple. Provo is closed for two weeks for regular maintenance/cleaning, so I went instead to the Timpanogos Temple in American Fork. The bus service is limited on Saturday, so I ended up walking about a mile and a half up hill to the temple. About 1/4 of the way there, a car passed me, then flipped around and stopped. The girl inside rolled down her window and asked, "Are you going to the temple? Do you want a ride?" I was so surprised and pleased! What a sweet girl she was; we had a fun chat as we rode up to the temple. She mentioned that she had thought about stopping but ignored the feeling. After driving past me, however, she felt again that she ought to just offer me a ride, so she did.