Chicken Dust
I consider myself to be a simple girl. I like quilting, knitting, gardening, cooking, and homemade bread. I have a passion for teaching and also for music; I play the piano and flute. I'm neither smart nor eloquent, but I've know a few wise people and try to draw magnificance from all that is good in life.
19 April 2008
18 April 2008
There is One
Who, by the power of His word,
He moves a mountain,
He calms the raging sea,
And now He beckons me.
So I will follow Him.
16 April 2008
A Conversation
Him: "So, you're back? What troubles you?"
Me: "It's not possible."
Him: silence
Me: "I mean, is it?"
Him: "What do you think?"
Me: "Well, I don't see why He would begin if not to finish...yet..."
Him: "So, the trouble."
Me: (words tumbling all over each other in my anxiety and haste to be comforted) "Yet how, I mean, I do not see that it will ever work?!" (pleading, imploring) "You must tell me! He is so... know, and I, I, am so...not. But it just has to work! I must know. I must know. I could not bear to be separated for, for-ever. And yet, and yet, to be so close but never really there. I need Him. There must be a way. There must! But how..."
Him: the most compassionate of all silences, it seems He knows, but will not say, because I am not yet through.
Me: "Well, at least I know I'll never make it. You, now, that's a different story. You always could do what I couldn't. Do you think there might be a way?"
Him: "On your own, you're right. I know you. I love you. You just can't. I'm sorry." (and I see in His eyes that truly He is. truly sorry.)
Me: "Then what?" ( I barely dare to hope)
Him: "He must have a way."
Me: "Do you think!?" (How I trust Him! If He believes, so can I, right?)
Him: "He has spoken of it."
Me: "Well, yes, that's just it. You know, I don't understand. I just can't SEE what He means by it all. Is it really to work? Well, You know me. I won't make it. I can't. Not if it's my choice, don't you see." (almost under my breath, ashamed, I don't want to say it, but feel compelled by His realness, I must be completely truthful) "I'm too afraid."
Him: infinite tenderness
Me: "You will help?"
Him: "I believe that is His intent."
Me: "And you won't leave me alone, right? You'll be my Friend?"
Him: "I am your Friend."
Me: "Thank you.
Him: smile
Me: "So, I can follow you, right?"
Him: "You must."
Me: "I only want so much to please Him. It sounds so Wonderful. So Fantastic. And so much to do! Almost, too good to be true. Oh, the Glory!"
Him: a nod, and, almost imperceptible, pity in His eye
Me: "I will be on your side, true?"
Him: "Of course. We are Friends. But know, I will never support you in opposition to Him."
Me: "No! I would not. I could not!"
Me: "Do you think I will ever understand? His Plan, I mean?"
Him: "Surely it will not be until after."
Me: "So I will be back again."
Him: smile "Just as surely."
Me: (very sorowful) "Do you think I will ever stop doubting?"
Him: "Doubting!? Darling one, you will ask until you understand, but that does not me you doubt. And I will always explain...again."
Me: "So it's okay?"
Him: "For now."
Me: "Then, please, tell me just once is it to be? How is it to work?"
Him: "Come, it is time."
13 April 2008
Behold the Wounds in Jesus' Hands
Behold the wounds in Jesus' hands,
The marks upon His side,
Then ponder who He meant to save
When on the cross He died.
We cannot see the love of God
Which saves us from the fall,
Yet know that Christ from wood and nails
Built mansions for us all.
Behold the outstretched hands of Christ,
Our Lord, who came to save,
Whose love and grace redeem our souls
And lift us from the grave.
Though bruised and battered as we stray
His guiding hands carress,
He washes and annoints with oil
Then in His arms we rest.
Behold the wounds in Jesus' hands.
Look to your Lord and live.
He yearns to bless you with his love
And all your sins forgive.
Oh, empty is the heart of man
When it is filled with sin.
Come, open wide your broken heart
And let your Savior in!
Behold His wounded hands and feet!
Come touch, and see, and feel
The wounds and marks that you may know
His love for you is real.
Then as you fall to worship Him
And wash his feet in tears
Your Savior takes you in His arms
And quiets all your fears.
--John V. Pearson
From Elder Holland:
"Of the many privileges we have had in this historic conference, including participation in a solemn assembly in which we were able to stand and sustain [President Thomas S. Monson] as prophet, seer, and revelator, I cannot help but feel that the most important privilege we have all had has been to witness personally the settling of the sacred, prophetic mantle upon your shoulders, almost as it were by the very hands of angels themselves. Those in attendance at last night's general priesthood meeting and all who were present in the worldwide broadcast of this morning's session have been eyewitness to this event. For all the participants, I express our gratitude for such a moment. I say that with love to President Monson and especially love to our Father in Heaven for the wonderful opportunity it has been to be 'eyewitnesses of his majesty' (2 Peter 1:16), as the Apostle Peter once said" (Report of the 178th Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
From me:
I truly saw and felt and experienced the mantle of God's prophet fall upon the shoulders of President Thomas Spencer Monson. Though a man, he has been called, chosen, and now qualified. He is among those who are "just men made perfect through Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant" (D&C 76:69). I so testify.
I have made a habit of approaching the General Conference with a question, a thought, a prayer. This year was no different, however I felt that I did not have a specific purpose to my seeking. Many spoke, and all edified. My Father chose to speak directly to me through the mouth of His annointed steward. As President Monson stood to address us all, I felt that the Lord had truly called him to be mouthpiece of the Eternal Father's will. As he spoke, I heard, in my mind and in my heart, the gentle guidance of the Lord's Spirit leading me to change, to repent. And the answer came with increasing clarity what my God would have me do throughout the next six months.
"And now, whoso readeth, let him understand; he that hath the scriptures, let him search them, and see and behold if ... all these things are not unto the fulfilling of the prophecies of many of the holy prophets" (3 Nephi 10:14). I witness that the are.
President Monson is such a prophet. I know it; I sustain him. I love the Lord and thank Him for such a marvelous Gift.
11 April 2008
I like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain, and ponder on the beauty of an earth made clean again...I know when I am baptized my wrongs are washed away and I can be forgiven and improve myself each day. I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain; I want to be the best I can and live with God again...
"And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel. And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true."
(Mosiah 4:11-12)
I think I know why Nephi wrote so much of the words of Isaiah -- for truly I can relate. "My soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children. Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard" and felt (2 Nephi 4:15-16). So much to ponder, to much to feel, so much to Remember. All captured in the noble words of the prophets of God. I can say nothing to compare. My soul soars at the sound of His sweet voice.
Tonight I had the privilege of attending the baptismal service of one of the girls who lives upstairs. She is a beautiful daughter of Heavenly Father. She declared that she knows God exists and that He knows her. He knew before she came here that she would come and be friends with such wonderful people who would share with her the fullness of Christ's gospel. He knew she would read The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, and He knew she would feel and know its truthfulness.
I wonder, I want my life to be so clean. I want my heart to be so pure. I want my hands to be so bright. I want my soul to be so near to His.
"The witness of the Holy Ghost, as born by those who know, has lifted me again to Thee, oh Father of my soul." Ah to always rejoice; to be filled with the love of God; to always retain a remission of my sins; to grow in the knowledge of Him; to grow in His glory; to grow and be as He is who created me; to be filled with that which is just and true. REPENTANCE
What a beautiful word! What a glorious principle! What a magnificent Gift!
Kingdoms! Principalities! and Powers!
Someone mentioned how sweet and simple and short was the actual baptism ordinance. Another commented on the work, faith, committments, repentance, and prayer required to prepare oneself for such a short and simple experience. That's how it is, really, isn't it. There was One who did it all for us already. He suffered the burden of all my sin so I might not suffer, if I will repent. His work was immense. The glory of salvation and exaltation is not easily won. Yet for us it is so simple. So simple and so sweet. Oh, Repentance.
"He is the light and life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death...And now, ought ye not to tremble and repent of you sins, and remember that only in and and through Christ ye can be saved?...Teach them that redemption cometh through Christ the Lord, who is the very Eternal Father. Amen." (Mosiah 16:9, 13, 15)
Amen and Amen. I love Him. I serve Him. I will Repent. I will Remember Him. Amen and Amen.
10 April 2008
"The only way to overcome fear is by testifying. Fear is darkness; it comes because you don’t understand the light you have in you. You can tell the adversary to depart, and he MUST depart. Ask the Lord to have that darkness leave. Like the brother of Jared when he was building the boats, you must say, “Father, I do have some fears.” But then you must tell Him your plan – what it is that you will do. You want to be touched by His light. Tell Him that you’re going to be obedient, that you will pray to Him. You may have some dark moments in this prayer because He wants you to feel deeply. But your testimony, when you give it, is light, and the fear is dispelled, and people will feel it. That’s the power that you have been endowed with."
--Elder Robert D. Hales to missionaries in the Willammette zone Oregon Portland Mission, February 4, 2007
01 April 2008
REPENTANCE: Another Word
The Parable of the Land Cruiser
by Sister Elizabeth Gessel
There once was a wealthy entrepreneur who went on a safari to Africa. During the course of his travels, he came upon an isolated village where life was extremely harsh. The source of water had dried up for this community; consequently, the inhabitants had to travel long distances to find water in order to survive. Additionally, it was a three days’ journey by foot to take their goods to market, and many times the roads were impassable because of mud, rocks, and other debris. This generous, kind man returned to the states and bought a beautiful Toyota Land Cruiser, complete with all the bells and whistles, and had it shipped to the village for their use.
The villagers were excited when the vehicle arrived. They had never seen anything quite like it in their lives. They held a big ceremony to commemorate the Toyota, and gave the shiny key to the chief to wear as a prized necklace. Since they had no idea what an automobile was, it remained in the town square, unused.
Each year they would have a big celebration where they would decorate the Land Cruiser and dance around it to commemorate the day it had arrived. Occasionally when the monsoons came, stranded people would use it as a place of refuge. Villagers eventually took pieces of the vehicle to use – tires made tables and floor mats worked well in the huts with dirt floors. Others took whatever they could get, hoping that little pieces of fabric might bring them good luck. But the real gifts – mobility and easier access to the necessities of living – were never used because the primitive people simply had no way to access and utilize what the vehicle offered.
--What pieces of the Ultimate Gift am I using? How can I learn to access the fullness of its intent? Who do I know that needs to be taught how to “drive?”