Indeed I have:
Food, and lots of it -- those who have seen under my bed are amazed; those who haven't would be if they could see it. Suffice it to say that I won't starve ever! At least not for a year or so. And it's good food too, most of it even rather tasty.
Awesome roommates, enough said. They are great and I truly do love them both, but particularly my actual room-mate. She is a hoot, and we agree on everything important.
A healty sense of humor, and the most superior ability to snort just like a pig.
My name, let's face it -- life would be a whole lot worse if I had dimwitted parents who named me something ridiculous like Apple, Happiness, or Nancy Ann Seahancey (say it aloud).
Job, not only can I work, but I have wonderful co-workers. I complain often about my job, but in reality I am so grateful for the continual blessing it is in my life. I make enough money to support myself, save for future needs, and far beyond. My boss is a sweetheart, the work I do is more than tolerable, and the atmosphere is one of mutual support and encouragement. Everyone wants me to succeed, and they go out of their way to help it happen.
I know who I am, not only do I know that I am a daughter of God, but I truly know what it means to be so. I have never (not ONCE in my life) had to question what my stand is on moral issues. I understand the sacred nature of gender and the power of procreation. I am confident that I have the ability to be beautiful and wonderful. In a world of ever-shifting (read falling) moral values, I am realizing what a rare and precious gift this is. I repeat, I know that I am a daughter of God, and I know the joys of being a virtuous woman.
My apartment, while there are so many who live in cardboard boxes or less (or junky college apartments with nasty management), I have a beautiful place close to campus in a nice neighborhood, with a wonderful landlord. I can truly call it home (thanks in large part of course to my roommates). It is warm on cold days and pleasant in hot weather. I have running water (hot or cold), electricity, even a washer and dryer and a dishwasher. It's beautiful.
Clothes, I did laundry last week after five weeks of not -- would you believe I have enough outfits to go more than a month without doing any wash? That's just sick.
Family, I love them. I have been told repeatedly by many sources, some more authoritative than others, that I have been born of very goodly parents; guess what, it's true! And I love have four sisters, they are all great. Plus my brothers are each a blessing to me as well. I was taught in my youth to keep the commandments of God; we all were, and we have not departed from it. Yep, I love them and feel blessed beyond measure that they are all as wonderful and supportive of me as they are.
School, I miss it, but I'm glad to still be in the atmosphere of college studying. It's such a delight to hear and learn from such knowledgable professors in an environment conducive to academic and spiritual growth. We are truly blessed that the Church continues to sponsor such a highly respected university.
Friends, I have more than I can count. And enough really dear ones to sustain me through anything. You guys are great!! You visit me at work, invite me to lunch, give me happy phone calls and emails, and always have a hug. I love you too.
Freedom, I was born in the greatest country on the face of the earth (I think). My patriotism is as much a blessing to me as it is a duty. I love the freedom to think, believe, worship, and learn. I don't live in fear of bombs and gunfire or rape and beatings. I don't really even know what the word oppression means. I can say what I want and support others in doing the same.
Spring and flowers, the Lord's creations are truly magnificent!
Health, I can't even begin to think about all the health problems I DON'T have. It's such a blessing to be able to sleep at night and wake up the next morning. I can hike the stairs to work, and up and down them several times a day during work. I can breathe, and I can laugh. I am blessed!
Prayer, the privilege of addressing my Father in Heaven. It is a supremely divine gift.
Intelligence, My mind is sharp and I learn quickly. What's more, I am surrounded by opportunities to learn and grow. I have the privilege of university studies (and a wonderful university it is too) as well as academic freedom. There are books, articles, and essays at every turn. So much to see, do, hear, and know, and so much of it uplifting and inspiring.
Laughter, and lots of it.
Temples, one so close and many others around the world. Regular attendance blesses my life so richly and the whole world is elevated by temple worship in their presence. Therein I am reminded of the eternal picture, especially who I am, and Who God is.
Little Red, my wagon - it's so perfect for walking to the grocery store and carrying my stuff home in. It even has all-terrain wheel. Cool.
My Piano, what a blessing. Thanks Dad. Music helps make my house a home, and indeed it has done just that and blessed me so much.
Scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. Daily study brings blessings beyond measure and light and truth as well.
Above all else,
My Testimony of Jesus Christ. I know beyond any doubt that He is MY Savior and MY Redeemer, and he is yours. He loves me, and He will always love me. If I lose or I win, I will always love Him. For I know He will bless me, but if not, I will still trust Him. For it is in loving and trusting Him that I find true happiness. I do not doubt that I am a
daughter of a loving Heavenly Father. Because I know Who He is, and who I am, I am indeed more blessed than nearly all of His other children. It is because I have been given THAT much, that I want to go forth with faith to serve Him and proclaim His word, so that all people everywhere may know as I know.