Elder Oaks Said:
Remember there’s a Heavenly Father there, and when we do what He has asked us to do, He will bless us. Let’s not deny Him the opportunity to fulfill His promises by taking it all upon us as if we had to do it all by ourselves.
I consider myself to be a simple girl. I like quilting, knitting, gardening, cooking, and homemade bread. I have a passion for teaching and also for music; I play the piano and flute. I'm neither smart nor eloquent, but I've know a few wise people and try to draw magnificance from all that is good in life.
Remember there’s a Heavenly Father there, and when we do what He has asked us to do, He will bless us. Let’s not deny Him the opportunity to fulfill His promises by taking it all upon us as if we had to do it all by ourselves.
I was moved on Thursday by these words: "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night ... And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth" (Genesis 1:16-17). It struck me that God did not create the darkness for the night. As John so beautifully states, "God is light, and in him is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5). God is LIGHT, and only light. He made the light to rule over day and to rule over night. Sometimes it seems to me that the darkness of night is overpowering. I find it easy to lose hope in times of comparative darkness. As night is comparatively dark to day, so too are some days of my life comparatively dark to other days.
I realize that my previous apology was far too business-like. Perhaps I should be more frank. Anonymous, your comment stung. I spent far too long trying not to cry, and then a fair amount of time giving in to the urge. I got on my knees, and I talked with the Lord about it. I think it hurt so much because you are right. The truth of your statement stands; a little humility really does go a long way. And whether you meant to imply it or not, the fact remains that I could really use a LOT of humility. I am sorry. I am sorry for my arrogance in my zeal. I truly am sorry.
This Sunday I was in my parents' ward for church. We talked about missionary work in Relief Society, which was a bit of a different experience for me because about half the sisters in my student ward are returned missionaries (recently of course) and only a small handful of sisters in my mom's Relief Society are returned missionaries, and several of those are returned from serving as seniors (which I love, by the way). They might have gotten a little more than they bargained for with me there.
"The Lord designs to lead us to a wider field of action...We are not our own, we are bought with a price, we are the Lord's...If my heart is not fully given up to this work, I will give my time, my talents, my hands, and my possessions, until my heart consents to be subject; I will make my hands labour in the cause of God, until my heart bows in submission to it."
I was reading the other night the April 2008 General Conference talk by Elder Robert D. Hales, Gaining a Testimony of God the Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost. Such excellent words! The truth about my Father in Heaven and my relationship to Him is something I am just now beginning to appreciate. Prayer is an important part of my life. I do not always know why or how, yet my urgent need to commune with my Father drives me to my knees often throughout each day.
I read and pondered these words: “I know with surety that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live. The Atonement is real. God the Father and Jesus Christ are distinct, separate, immortal beings. They know us as individuals, and They hear and answer our sincere prayers.” I had never before thought of my prayers being heard by THEM. Generally I think just of HE. So I asked my roommate, Tammy what she thought of the phrase. Her first words were that she didn’t really have a grasp on the Savior’s role in her prayers. I felt the same.
We talked a bit more and some things she said about praying in the name of Jesus Christ touched me. What really does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus Christ? The Bible Dictionary offers this enlightenment: “We pray in Christ’s name when our mind is the mind of Christ, and our wishes the wishes of Christ--when his words abide in us.”
I had a sudden image of the Savior kneeling in the Garden of Gethsemane pleading in agony and love with His very Father, whom He knew and who had perfect confidence in Him. I saw also the Risen Lord on His knees among the more righteous Nephites praying for their peace and using words that are “not lawful to be written.” Surely there is no doubt the Father hears and answers the Savior’s prayers in the affirmative. Certainly His prayers yield peace and hope and healing.
And then I saw me. On my knees. I saw when I truly pray in the name of Christ, He is there, arms linked in mine, pleading with the Father, with me. When we together approach the God of Heaven and Earth, no prayer will go unanswered (Mormon 9:21).
I tried it that night. I pictured my Savior on His knees next to me as I spoke with my Father, His Father. We expressed gratitude for the Father’s goodness and mercy. We sought blessings for many of my loved ones who have needs and desires. And we begged Heavenly Father to sustain me and teach me to do His will. There was power in such a prayer.
Yesterday brought a test of this new method of communing with my God. Someone I love very much had an urgent and sincere need. I fled to my room to be in secret and address the Lord. I spoke most fervently of the love that I have for this sweet sister and her family, and I expressed gratitude for the privilege of seeing Heavenly Father bless their lives. I told Him of her need. I looked to my Savior for support, and He joined me in prayer. We explained the goodness of this woman and together told Heavenly Father that we loved her and wanted only the best. I explained her situation and why I wanted her desire to be granted, but before I could ask with boldness, I looked to my companion in prayer. He silently shook His head. No, it was not right. Something, I don’t know whether it is the request or simply the timing of the request, was not in keeping with the Father’s plan. Trusting Jesus, I told Heavenly Father that I know His plan to be perfect, and completely outside my understanding. I didn’t know why His plan would not allow for the granting of this request, but my Savior and I could not ask amiss.
Here came a miracle. I cried a bit and wanted to desperately to help my dear friend. I asked Heavenly Father to give her peace and understanding. If only He would take some of my faith and my good works and bless her accordingly, I would rest. Looking to our Friend, my Savior, and her Savior, I saw that He too was crying. He was hurting, much more than I could understand. I realized that His prayer was the same, and His capacity to exercise faith and experience the weight of what she is called on to bear is much greater than mine. My vicarious sacrifice was small, but combined with His, I am certain she will feel the peace we sought for her.
And I witnessed a bit of my Savior’s love for me, and the Father’s compassion. I thank the Lord for the supernal gift of prayer.
“Oh thou, by whom we come to God,
The Life, the Truth, the Way,
The path of prayer Thyself hath trod.
Lord, teach us how to pray.” (Hymns #145)